It’s amazing how quickly one can relax in Hawaii. It’s like being in another world—the air is wonderful and fresh, the temperature warm but the wind makes it comfortable and the beaches and water are without comparison.
Thanks to a very generous honeymoon gift from my coworkers—Rob and I have been able to splash out on a few things we never would have done otherwise. Beginning with the red Mustang convertible!

There’s nothing finer than driving around Hawaii with the top down—except driving around Hawaii with the top down and good music on the stereo—something that won’t happen if you tune in to local radio stations. This meant a trip to Wal-Mart (I know—but the locals don’t disapprove of Wal-Mart! I told you it was another world!) to buy some blank disks to burn our own music CD’s. Big style!
Here are some local sights from Hanalei, the town closest to our Condo in Princeville.

Rob scouts out some Velvet Fog FC training grounds
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