Any of you who have seen my toes will be pleased to know I branched out in my color choice and went with ORANGE in honor of the first day of Autumn which is this week.

After the pedicure, Greg met us at the house for tea and bickies and then off to Cactus for a burrito--but not before they had fun posing for the camera.

Finally, Rob and I had to go to Trader Joe's for cereal, rice milk and laundry quarters. One day, we will learn that by Sunday night, most of the things we want are not in stock any more requiring us to go to Trader Joe's again a couple days later. Tonight, it was the big rice milk and the Airborne. I could have used the Airborne too as I've been fighting off a cold. Have you used that stuff? It's a miracle pill.
At any rate, the trip was well worthwhile in the end, as I got to listen to Rob slag off the driver "who parked the car like an idiot." That driver carelessly parked slightly over the line dividing the spaces making for a tight squeeze in the space next to it. Not wanting to risk scratching our newly cleaned car, Rob chose to park in a different spot. When we came out, I was able to get a quick photo of what a parking job looks like by someone who is highly experienced. You may not even beleive this, but I promise you, this is exactly where he parked the car. Genius.

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