Gary's manager at work has season tickets and obviously Gazza has been a good boy this month, he managed to get 4 tickets so who else would you invite to watch "America's favo(u)rite pastime" ?
Two English people and an American who lives and breathes football (The one where the ball actually comes into contact with your foot) for those of you who don't know, Gary is English too so that made 3 of us.
Again we had great seats and again I searched for a long time looking for the veggie hot dogs, we're off to a game next month too, we'll let you know how we do then, I know the tension is unbearable but you're going to have to wait I'm afraid.
Anyway, back to the game, the Giants won in extra innings, not quite as exciting as the incredible victory of the England cricket team against Australia in the Ashes series the other week, but enjoyable all the same.

The real fun started after the game though as we all tried to reenact the coke bottle pose from earlier in the blog. Iain balanced the bottle on his head.

Then Gazza heard that the first 20,000 people entering the stadium received Giants hats and although we had arrived too late, decided to use his English accent to our advantage, he headed straight for Guest services and told them we we're visiting from England and taking in our first ever baseball game (Creston was keeping very quiet), 5 minutes later we we're all proud owners of Giants baseball hats, nice one Gazza!

After that we headed off to the Billy Graham convention.

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